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Aux roses des jardins

Jeu 9 Juin - 21:27

Julian Lawford

Avatar : OC de Vivian NG
Prénom : Julian
Nom : Lawford
Surnom : Jardinier
Age : 16 ans
Sexe : Masculin
Groupe : Solitaires

Traits de caractère

A l'écoute - Abordable - Aimable - Apaisant - Bienveillant - Clément - Conciliant - Confiant
Délicat - Diplomate - Libéré - Observateur - Pacifique
Intègre - Paisible - Respectueux - Tolérant
Appliqué - Artistique - Humble - Imaginatif

Confus - Crédule - Indiscret – Versatile - Fantasque - Familier - Maladroit


Julian vit à Doreodan depuis plusieurs mois maintenant. Il suivait jusqu'à présent des cours à domicile suite à ses nombreuses exclusions de lycées privés où son père s'entêtait à le faire étudier. Fils d'un célèbre architecte millionnaire, et vraisemblablement d'une union d'une nuit avec une danseuse étoile méconnue, Julian est un jardinier consciencieux qui veille à ses plantes et à sa survie depuis la mort de son géniteur. Solitaire, il apprécie toutefois de récupérer certains cadavres pour veiller à la faim de ses petites protégées florales et compte sur son potager, ses arbres fruitiers, son puits d'eau (non potable) et ses conserves pour tenir le plus longtemps possible.

Les liens recherchés

  • Une personne qui aurait tenté de s'introduire chez lui (potentiellement pour le voler)
  • Une personne qui le connaîtrait d'avant (vraisemblablement du "beau monde")
  • Une personne qui serait à l'origine du décès de Marion (sa gouvernante rescapée de la grippe mais assassinée) et qui surveillerait les parages de la maison
  • Une personne qui aurait fait appel à ses services de fossoyeurs
  • Une personne qui le fournirait en graine et en plants en échange de nourriture
  • Une personne intolérante qui ne supporterait pas qu'un autiste ait la main mise sur un tel territoire (et qui monterait un groupe pour récupérer la maison)

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Jeu 9 Juin - 21:28

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Relation : The roadway "La Viga" was the walk used by the merchants who walked from Chalco and Xochimilco, to then sell their products in the city. The painting shows the arrival of New Spain's viceroy, Francisco Fernández de la Cueva and his wife Juana de la Cerda. They are represented in a boat and they come along with two women. Their social position is emphasized by a cloth structure that covers the couple.

The picture also represents the everyday life of the place: the merchants, the trajineras (mexican boat), chinampas, guardians, the church, people walking around the place and the volcanos Popocatepetl e Iztaccihuatl.

Prénom Nom ICI
Relation : The roadway "La Viga" was the walk used by the merchants who walked from Chalco and Xochimilco, to then sell their products in the city. The painting shows the arrival of New Spain's viceroy, Francisco Fernández de la Cueva and his wife Juana de la Cerda. They are represented in a boat and they come along with two women. Their social position is emphasized by a cloth structure that covers the couple.

The picture also represents the everyday life of the place: the merchants, the trajineras (mexican boat), chinampas, guardians, the church, people walking around the place and the volcanos Popocatepetl e Iztaccihuatl.

Les amis

Prénom Nom
Relation : The roadway "La Viga" was the walk used by the merchants who walked from Chalco and Xochimilco, to then sell their products in the city. The painting shows the arrival of New Spain's viceroy, Francisco Fernández de la Cueva and his wife Juana de la Cerda. They are represented in a boat and they come along with two women. Their social position is emphasized by a cloth structure that covers the couple.

The picture also represents the everyday life of the place: the merchants, the trajineras (mexican boat), chinampas, guardians, the church, people walking around the place and the volcanos Popocatepetl e Iztaccihuatl.

Prénom Nom ICI
Relation : The roadway "La Viga" was the walk used by the merchants who walked from Chalco and Xochimilco, to then sell their products in the city. The painting shows the arrival of New Spain's viceroy, Francisco Fernández de la Cueva and his wife Juana de la Cerda. They are represented in a boat and they come along with two women. Their social position is emphasized by a cloth structure that covers the couple.

The picture also represents the everyday life of the place: the merchants, the trajineras (mexican boat), chinampas, guardians, the church, people walking around the place and the volcanos Popocatepetl e Iztaccihuatl.

Les amis

Prénom Nom
Relation : The roadway "La Viga" was the walk used by the merchants who walked from Chalco and Xochimilco, to then sell their products in the city. The painting shows the arrival of New Spain's viceroy, Francisco Fernández de la Cueva and his wife Juana de la Cerda. They are represented in a boat and they come along with two women. Their social position is emphasized by a cloth structure that covers the couple.

The picture also represents the everyday life of the place: the merchants, the trajineras (mexican boat), chinampas, guardians, the church, people walking around the place and the volcanos Popocatepetl e Iztaccihuatl.

Prénom Nom ICI
Relation : The roadway "La Viga" was the walk used by the merchants who walked from Chalco and Xochimilco, to then sell their products in the city. The painting shows the arrival of New Spain's viceroy, Francisco Fernández de la Cueva and his wife Juana de la Cerda. They are represented in a boat and they come along with two women. Their social position is emphasized by a cloth structure that covers the couple.

The picture also represents the everyday life of the place: the merchants, the trajineras (mexican boat), chinampas, guardians, the church, people walking around the place and the volcanos Popocatepetl e Iztaccihuatl.

Les amis

Prénom Nom
Relation : The roadway "La Viga" was the walk used by the merchants who walked from Chalco and Xochimilco, to then sell their products in the city. The painting shows the arrival of New Spain's viceroy, Francisco Fernández de la Cueva and his wife Juana de la Cerda. They are represented in a boat and they come along with two women. Their social position is emphasized by a cloth structure that covers the couple.

The picture also represents the everyday life of the place: the merchants, the trajineras (mexican boat), chinampas, guardians, the church, people walking around the place and the volcanos Popocatepetl e Iztaccihuatl.

Prénom Nom ICI
Relation : The roadway "La Viga" was the walk used by the merchants who walked from Chalco and Xochimilco, to then sell their products in the city. The painting shows the arrival of New Spain's viceroy, Francisco Fernández de la Cueva and his wife Juana de la Cerda. They are represented in a boat and they come along with two women. Their social position is emphasized by a cloth structure that covers the couple.

The picture also represents the everyday life of the place: the merchants, the trajineras (mexican boat), chinampas, guardians, the church, people walking around the place and the volcanos Popocatepetl e Iztaccihuatl.
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